Alcohol and Recreational Drugs
A range of resources available to parents and teenagers to learn the facts about drugs and alcohol, their effects and what you can do to manage the risks.
The side effects of all alcohol and drugs depend on how much you have, how often you take it, how strong it is and how it is taken. The effects on you will be different depending on your experience and if you take it with other drugs and alcohol.
Tobacco, Smoking and e-cigs I vaping
Recreational Drugs I cannabis, MDMA/ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, methampethamine
Inhalants and Aerosols I chroming, nangs, huffing
​The Five Stages of Alcohol and Drug Use
Learn more about experimentation, regular use, problem/risky use, dependence, addiction.
Resource Library
Alcohol & Drug Foundation
Drug Facts and The Drug Wheel
Alcohol & Drug Foundation
Latest drug warnings in NSW
Your Room
Drug Safety and Overdose
Your Room
Your Room
A place to get facts about alcohol and other drugs.
Learn more about some of the most common used drugs affecting Australians now.
A-Z Listing of Drugs and the latest drug warnings in NSW
The Quiz Room | Test Your Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge
Drug safety and overdose