Teens using drugs and alcohol I KidsHelpLine
Alcohol and teenagers I Better Health Channel VIC
Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping
Vaping in Australia I ADF
E-cigarettes and young people: what you need to know I Quit
The effects of smoking and tobacco I NSW Health
Recreational Drugs
How parents can protect against drug use and related harms I Positive Choices
The Level: a straight up guide for people who use drugs I NZ Drug Foundation
What’s the deal? Cannabis Facts for Young People I Your Room
Talking with a young person about cannabis I Your Room
Young people and cannabis I Headspace
Cannabis Information and Support
MDMA / Ecstasy
Ecstasy (MDMA) Effects, Overdose and Withdrawal I Your Room
MDMA: avoid an overdose and stay safe I Pivot Point
What is Cocaine? Health Effects, Risks & Use I Drug Aware
Cocaine Fact Sheet I Positive Choices
Inhalants and Aerosols
Inhalants and Chroming I Better Health
Nangs: what you need to know I Drug Foundation NZ
Effects of inhalants and inhaling gas fumes and solvents I Your Room
Prescriptions and Supplements
Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs) I Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Benzodiazepines I Your Room
Medicinal Cannabis I Alcohol Drug Foundation​